Who We Are
The Chebeague Island Library provides a welcoming center to foster the learning of the entire Island community. The library cultivates knowledge and enjoyment and brings enrichment and stimulus to Chebeague through diverse collections, innovative technology, research and educational resources, programs and services in response to island interests.
Corie Meehan - Library Director
Tracy Calder - Technical Librarian
Pips Veazey, President
Vicki Emery, Vice President
Lynne Priest, Treasurer
Erica Formisano, Secretary
Denise Bonville
Beth Dyer
Vicki Emery
Ellen Goodman
Denise Hamilton
Will Hopkins
Erin Layng
Peg Smith
Aldric Terral
Jim Van Fleet
There are many ways to connect with the library and community: covering the desk, shelving, data entry, special projects or sharing your expertise in one of the many library programs.
Come and see if we have a job that is right for you!
Brief History
The Chebeague Island Library was started in a classroom at the Island School in 1965 and moved to its new home in 1990. With many donations and the tireless efforts and expertise of volunteers, the Library has grown to its current collection of almost 14,000 materials. The Library stands as a testament to the Island community’s desire for knowledge and its willingness to make it happen.
The Library supplements its budget with proceeds from a variety of special events and sales. Book sales, note cards, posters, island phone books and gala events provide much needed income to ensure the continuation of the library’s programs and services to the community.
Collection & Facility
The library maintains an up-to-date collection of almost 14,000 materials. New acquisitions are prominently displayed and highlighted in the monthly island calendar. We encourage suggestions for new titles and are happy to accept gifts under the library's gift policy.
There is a large, bright children's section with comfortable window seats for reading. The young adult section is newly expanded. Our extensive Maine section is of interest to locals and visitors. We have a wide selection of Maine place histories and family genealogical books.
Audio books, large print books, games, puzzles, music, and language tapes are also available to patrons. The movie collection is extensive at over 2000 titles and includes new releases of popular films and documentaries.
There are two public use computers with access to both color and black and white printers. A full service photocopier is available for big and small jobs, with a scanner and dedicated fax (207-846-4358).
A shredder is also available for use.